Miss Sparkle

Miss Sparkles story
This little lady will be dearly missed.
Miss Sparkles story begins when she was found near Greenlake in Seattle. She was found injured on a busy running trail (likely by a crow), she was found struggling in the middle of the path unable to fly. A very kind couple found her and were able to safely wrap her in a jacket and get her home and in a box. After getting her to safety they called us to give her the best chance of survival. Unfortunately Miss S was badly injured, she lost almost half of her 5th digit (her little finger). The wing had a bad tear from nearly elbow to 4th digit. The wounds have healed but without her finger to steer she has been unable to be released. Despite being rescued late in the year she started gaining quite a bit of weight. At first we were sure she was just taking advantage of her free meals as big brown bats can be little pigs. but after she surpassed the top of the weight scale for big browns by nearly another half we started to suspect something else was happening. Sure enough and to our delight she gave birth to a healthy baby boy! She was an excellent mother and cared for little Eddard Spark fiercely. Eddard grew and began learning how to fly, mama watched as her little boy became a full grown bat and finally when summer came Eddard was taken to the flight house for a soft release (Free to leave but food and shelter available). Since then Eddard has flown free and now lives where he belongs, out in the wild. Miss S sadly was unable to fly and lived out her days in some pretty cushy digs as an education animal.